The first season follows the lives of Ashley “Minnie” Ross, Briana Barlup, Tiffany “Monie” Cashette, Emily Fernandez, and the Salinas twins “Tiny Twinz” as the main cast, with Shirlene Pearson in a recurring capacity.
The second season premiered on July 13, 2016 with the same cast, with Shirlene Pearson promoted to a main cast member while Samantha Ortiz and Tanya Scott make guest appearances, and with Melissa Hancock and the Drummond twins in the recurring capacity. Bri and Emily announced at the reunion that they will no longer be part of the show and are moving to Little Women: Dallas.
The third season saw the departure of Briana Barlup and Emily Fernandez. Both currently appear as main cast members on Little Women: Dallas. The third season premiered on January 4, 2017 with Tanya Scott promoted to a main cast member, Samantha Ortiz and Abira Greene in recurring capacity
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